U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation CEO Launches New Water Conservation Initiative and Utility Administration Building

October 21, 2015

The U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) CEO Dana J. Hyde joined Jordanian government officials in Zarqa today to launch a new household water conservation program implemented by the Millennium Challenge Account – Jordan (MCA-Jordan), and celebrate the groundbreaking of a new water utility administration building. The activities highlight the importance of water security to both the U.S. and the Jordan government, and focus on women and children as key change agents across communities in Jordan.

“Engaging and empowering women and girls is critical to Jordan’s economic growth,” Hyde said. “By integrating support and opportunities for women into our projects, MCC ensures that our investment in Jordan’s water sector is more effective and more sustainable.”

The five-year, $275-million MCC-Jordan Compact is designed to reduce poverty in Jordan through economic growth. The compact’s Water Smart Homes Activity is improving water quality and quantity in Jordanian households through an outreach campaign and in-home infrastructure repairs. Started in December 2014, the campaign promotes adoption of best practices to maintain water quality and quantity within households in Zarqa Governorate. The campaign seeks to increase awareness of health issues associated with water quality, and measures to overcome them by targeting household decision makers – primarily women.

Today’s event concluded phase one of the campaign and launched the second phase, which focuses on how Zarqa Governorate households can manage water quality and quantity in their homes by implementing simple water maintenance procedures.  The activity has also provided certified plumbing training for approximately 30 women, so they can increase their skills and knowledge in water management as well as their incomes. Some of the women are already working as plumbers for MCA-Jordan construction companies that are implementing household water repairs across 4,500 households in Zarqa.

The new Zarqa Water Utility Administration Building celebrated today will enhance the operation and maintenance of the water utility, providing space for administration, storage for repair parts and equipment, and training. The building was funded with cost-savings achieved by MCA-Jordan through efficient program management of the MCC-Jordan Compact, which is not only aimed at improving water and wastewater infrastructure, but also creating institutional capability to maintain and manage water and wastewater services during and after the Compact.

“The outreach campaign of the Water Smart Homes Activity utilizes a variety of interpersonal channels such as women CBOs, women preachers, tribal meetings, and more, all helping to encourage the adoption of in house water management techniques to preserve water quality and quantity,” MCA-Jordan CEO Eng. Kamal Zoubi said.  

Hyde also visited construction sites where water and wastewater piping are being replaced. The MCC-Jordan compact includes the construction and rehabilitation of more than 1,000 kilometers of water and wastewater network pipes, and repairs and installation of water connections in approximately 4,500 Jordanian homes.

MCC’s compact with Jordan, launched in December 2011, is an example of the strong U.S. partnership with and commitment to the people of Jordan. Once completed, the compact is expected to benefit approximately 3 million people.

Learn more about MCC’s compact with Jordan.