MCA-Jordan delivers 92 km batch of sewage lines to WAJ

December 19, 2016
MCA-Jordan delivers 92 km batch of sewage lines to WAJ
Funded by the U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), the Millennium Challenge Account-Jordan (MCA-Jordan) has handed over the final batch of the new wastewater network to the Jordan Water Authority / Miyahuna Company in Zarqa. With this batch, 92 km of new sewage lines were completed, totaling over 300 km and representing a 30 % increase to the original network. 
“MCA-Jordan was competent to generate substantial savings during the implementation of the program, and was successful to employ these savings effectively through extending the scope of the wastewater project from around 170 km base quantities to over 300 km sewage networks within the strict duration of the Compact term, serving wide areas in Zarqa, Russeifa and Hashemiyya,” MCA-Jordan CEO Eng. Kamal Zoubi said.

The Wastewater Network Project is expected to benefit around 142,000 individuals in Zarqa Governorate by giving them the opportunity to connect to new lateral sewer lines. These works, designed to dramatically reduce sewage overflows and increase collection of wastewater, are part of the $275 million Millennium Challenge Compact to Jordan.  The project aims to increase the sewage service in Zarqa Governorate from 72% to 82%.  This will empower citizens to avoid the health risks associated with using cesspits in addition to dropping the costs required to dig and pump out those cesspits. 

“I congratulate the Jordanian team for their success in allowing communities to participate in the program’s implementation in an open and transparent way. The United States through the Millennium Challenge Corporation is proud to partner with Jordan to achieve greater water security, a healthier environment and more sustainable economic growth,” MCC Resident Country Director Mr. Alex Russin said. 

For his part, Miyahuna Company in Zarqa Assistant CEO Eng. Jeries Dababneh said, “We thank U.S. Government through the Millennium Challenge Corporation for supporting the water sector in Jordan through rehabilitating and expanding water and wastewater network in Zarqa Governorate, reflecting positively on the levels of service offered to Jordanians. The intervention helped increase water supply, reduce non-revenue water, and enhance the environment as a result of efficient wastewater collection and treatment,” Miyahuna Jeries Dababneh.  

The company has advertised in the local press the names of beneficiaries of this new network, encouraging them to contact Water Authority / Miyahuna Company in Zarqa to start the connection procedures for the new networks, emphasizing the importance of these new networks in improving the environmental situation and public health of the citizens.   

“The environment in Wadi Zarqa has been highly improved as wastewater overflows have been stopped in that area as a result of the the implementation of the wastewater network project,” MCA-Jordan Wastewater Network Project Director Eng. Mohammad Ababneh said.